Breakfast acts as fuel to kickstart a new day. There is great importance in having a healthy and nutritious breakfast...
Indian-style mac n cheese is a recipe of macronis with hints of cheese, jalapeno, and garlic, with the fusion of...
Pancake Muffins is your Easy Breakfast! There your favorite homemade pancake recipe for valentine's special. I would use it to describe traditional homemade pancakes. There...
Irish soda bread is best served the same day it is made. If you have leftovers, it makes a nice...
Lemon Juice Recipe, this refreshing summer drink it can easily be made with lemon juice, cumin powder, chaat masala, and sea...
This one is for the chocoholic's who want to kick-start their day! This chocolate coconut milkshake is the perfect drink for...
Masala chaas or spiced buttermilk is a refreshing Indian drink that is mildly spicy and tangy, usually savored after meals to improve...
Dibba rotti is an easy, healthy, and delicious snack. It is made in many homes in Andhra Pradesh India. I sometimes...
Veg Spring Rolls Recipe- This is one of the favorite Chinese-style veg snacks that people of all age groups love to...
Herewith are our favorite recipes for your easy breakfast. Now add this recipe to your menu there easy and quick Egg Toas! Eggs...
Here with our favorite recipes for your easy breakfast. Now add this recipe to your menu there easy and quick boiled Egg Fry! Boiled...
Pumpkin Pie Bread Pudding- It’s very easy and delicious in every. way. Combination of 2 recipes- bread pudding and pumpkin pie....
This easy n quick spicy Mac & Cheese uses frozen fresh Peas, bell pepper, ginger, and garlic paste along with a few spices. The...